2013년 11월 28일 목요일

Luis Identity Questions

“Sample Identity Map: Luis” answer these questions.
  • What roles does Luis play (brother, son, student, mentor, citizen) and what are some of the activities and tools he uses in performing those roles?
Luis is a good son to his family, he  helps his mother prepare for dinner or helps her on  technology problems.,and he take his brother to his school and plays with him. He uses YouTube for his family members. As a student   he uses CNet and helps elementary school students in Lego Robots. He also made videos about his community.
  • What responsibilities does Luis have to each of these contexts?
He has responsibilities of being a good son and brother, helping students on after school programs, being responsible for his study in school, socializing with friends and being helpful in his community.
  • Are there moments when those responsibilities are in conflict? If so, what steps does he take to resolve those conflicts? (See, for example, the concerns raised by his family about the amount of time he spends in his after-school program).
To resolve the conflicts, he helps with his mother and tries to be a good brother, so that his mother doesn’t worry much about his time in the after school programs.
  • How does he structure his time so that he is able to meet each of those responsibilities?
He wakes up early and checks his mail , then drops his brother to school,  studies in school  and presents, goes to after school program, researches his community and helps his mother watch videos when he comes home.
  • What steps does he take to integrate aspects of his cultural identity across these various roles and contexts (for example, the film shows him producing videos that speak to aspects of his Mexican-American background)?

  • Luis speaks Spanish in some contexts and English in others. How does this shape his identity in each space?
With people that he knows well or his family, he speaks Spanish and with others he speaks English.
  • What aspects of his personality are most visible as we watch him interact in these different spaces (for example, being more serious or playful)?
I think that his playful personality is visible in spaces with his friends, after school programs and with his family members. He clowns around with his brother and checks his mail and socialize with his friends on Facebook.
  • Are there other things he changes about himself (for example, dressing differently for his public presentations than he dresses at home)?
He speaks with his mother and plays with his brother at home, but when he goes out to school ,helps children on their Lego Robots or when he presents to public, he seems more calm and professional.
  • Luis mentions how multitasking allows him to do multiple things at the same time. Does it also allow him to adopt multiple identities at the same time?
I think that it does allow him to adopt multiple identities at the same time because, he might be different to his friends online than how he acts at home watching YouTube with his brother or mother.

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