2013년 11월 2일 토요일

Lesson 6 In-Text Citation and Story Script

How will I use In-text citation in my story?
-Cite all sentences
-Include the first piece of information from the works cited entry for the in text citation
-Include the citation after the last sentence that presents that information
-Include the information either in the sentence or in the parentheses
-If a specific page number is relevant, include it in the parentheses

What is the difference between citing a sentence or two?

-In single-sentence references, include the parenthetical reference within the punctuation mark.
ex) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDCP) reports that :cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death" in the United States and that it kills over four hundred thousand people per year ("Smoking & Tobacco Use: Fast Facts").

-In multi-sentence references, include the parenthetical references outside the punctuation mark.
ex) Since they began to appear in 1992, smokefree laws in workplaces, restaurants, and bars have increased to over four hundred. As of July 2010, twenty-three states have passed these laws, and many other municipalities outside those states have followed suit. Now, these laws protect the last majority of Americans. ("Smokefree Lists, Maps and Data")

Story Script

During P.E., when we go into the P.E. room, what do you notice first? I'm guessing many of you would be imagining the various sports equipment. There are certain times when we exercised with the equipment and I realized that they were old and thought it could be replaced with brand new ones. The company I thought of was Nike. I would like to share my research about how it would benefit ISD if they hold hands.
First, Nike provides safe products. Nearly 85 percent of the footwear manufacturing waste is now diverted from landfill or incineration through recycling and other efforts("Nike Value Chain"). There was a way to solve this problem. The manager of Nike said "Nike is phasing out dangerous chemicals in its products and non-water-based adhesives from its shoes"(Jones). Also they have high quality. Their ergonomically designed TKD protective equipment means they have studied they way in which you move and ‘sculpted’ each piece of equipment to make sure they fit perfectly and work in sync with your body movements. Each piece is comfortable and practical whilst keeping you safe("Protective Equipment)
Now you would be thinking that even though they have good quality, why would Nike benefit ISD if they give a bad image about illegal labor they were accused of? There is a solution to this problem. A factory in Indonesia that makes sneakers for Nike has agreed to pay about $1 million in overtime to 4,500 workers, under a settlement between a workers' union and factory management. Nike released a statement saying it “commends the factory on their action plan and efforts to correct inadequacies in current policies designed to protect the rights of workers.("Nike to Pay Indonesian Workers $1 Million") Also, there was a report that explained Nike's solutions to the problem and also provides a chart listing the ages and wages of its workers(Jones). Nike thinks that it was their biggest mistake about forced labor and are trying out various solutions to prevent it from happening again.
Nike’s sports equipment provide advanced quality and has solutions for forced labor, so it would give benefits to ISD.

Works Cited

Jones, Kevin. "Nike attempts to distance itself from child-labor history". dailyuw.com. The Daily of the                  University of Washington. 3 April 2002. Web. 2 November 2013

"Nike to Pay Indonesian Workers $1 Million". voannews.com. voannews.com. 11 January 2012 Web. 2               November 2013

"Nike Value Chain" www.nikeresponsibility.com. NIKE, Inc. Web. 2 November 2013

"Protective Equipment". kicksport.com. kicksport.com. 15 July 2006. Web. 2 November 2013

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