2013년 11월 25일 월요일

Feelings on display

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
27 November 2013
Feeling On Display Homework 1
Essential Question: Are girls and boys judged differently when they post photos online?
Homework  - Please post to your blog and then post to Moodle for full credit.
Please use MLA format and use  information from sources to back up your claims.  Include a Works Cited page.

A. Please  reflect in writing on one of the questions, using your  online blog (200-300 words)
  1. Are people aware of their online images? Do they try to make themeslves look certain ways? Why or why not?
I think that people are aware of their online image because the internet is a space where you can be someone you want to be and people just look at the way you are since they don’t face each other. Also, people judge each other  more online because they know that there is a “wall” to protect them so it makes us more aware of the pictures we post online.  Most people also try to make themselves look better and as if they had a lot of friends by taking pictures they think that it would make them look cool.  Girls take pictures of themselves like making a “duck-face” or make their bodies look good so that they would give a good image online.
  1. Do we have different expectations for how girls and guys should look or act online? If so, where do we learn these attitudes? If not, why not?
  2. How aware are you of how you comment on other people’s photos? Do you think this differs for guys and girls?

B. Analyze the marketing messages on ProfilePictures.com (www.profilepictures.net/profilepictures), and the extent to which certain messages are targeted more to women or men. Encourage students to reflect on the extent to which people “market” themselves on social network sites. Is marketing a brand or product different than marketing yourself to others? (One paragraph).
The ProfilePictures.com is basically about  paying money to make your  profile picture look good. There are ways to make your body, hair, skin and even your face to look better. I think that this is targeted to both men and women because not only women care about how they look on line, but men also do. There is sort of a stereotype that women are really careful about posting online pictures to seem better, but I think that men also want to look good too. I also think that the concept of marketing a brand or product isn’t much different than marketing yourself to others because when people market a brand, they appeal it to the buyers in a good way, so that would buy the product. We make our profile pictures look better, so that we others won’t judge us in a bad way.

C. Read this article:
What is the media's role in creating this problem of perception?  Who is responsible for creating the way men and treat one another according to the article? (Hint: Is it the media or is it something else?  Cite your source). How YOU propose we go about changing these perceptions about women and society in general?   (100-200 words).  

According to this article, it says Christopher J. Ferguson and other researchers say that it’s mainly the result of competition with their peers, not media images. “Sexual competition among females seems to increase due to circumstances that tend to be particularly common in affluent societies,” Dr. Ferguson said. (Tierney) Women compete with each other and makes other women who has better physical appearances to them, as their target. I think that people should try to change the perceptions about society and women. It will pressure them because they are expected to act in a way we made.

Works Cited
Tierney, John. "A Cold War Fought by Women." The New York Times. The New York Times Company,                      18 Nov. 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013.

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