2013년 12월 3일 화요일

Feeling On Display Lesson 4

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
5 December 2013

Feeling On Display Lesson 4

Identity Questions:

  1. Why do people take on different identities at different times and in different places?
People see you differently depending on the times and places because you act differently. When you are with your friends online and when you are with your parents, you can be react differently.
  1. How does this reshaping of our identities resemble or differ from deception and misrepresentation? For example, when we play a part on stage in a play, is that the same thing as lying?
I think it differs from deception and misrepresentation because, even though you act differently toward other people, it is still a part of yourself. You don’t change that attitude when you are with a certain person.
  1. What if we play a fictional character in an online game?
In this case, I think that it resembles deception and misrepresentation because, you can hide who you are, for example, your age and name online.
  1. What if we represent ourselves as someone we are not in an online discussion list?
This is also deception and is misrepresenting themselves because your identity isn’t clearly shown to others.
  1. Is withholding information about yourself the same thing as deception?
Yes, because you are not showing who you really are, and there is a possibility that you can decept others.
  1. What if other people form false assumptions about who you are? At what point should you respond to or correct those misperceptions?
If the false assumption is serious and can be used against you, you should respond to correct them.
  1. Do you know people who take on “fake” or alternative identities in online spaces? Why do people do this?
There are people that claim that they are celebrities and make false rumor. I think they do these do get attention or try to be social with other people online.
  1. Is it ok to play with identities online? What are the limits?
I don’t think that it’s okay to play with identities because it would can confuse others. The limits are you should’nt use a real person’s identity.
  1. What are the benefits of identity play for young people? What are the drawbacks?
The benefits of identity playing for young people is that they can be free to express themselves and look better to others. The drawback is that there can be false assumptions.
  1. Why do parents and other adults become concerned when young people take on alternate identities? To what extent are their concerns valid?
Parents and adults become concerned when young people take on alternative identities because they know that it’s wrong to be dishonest online and would be worried that it would become a habit.

Your Identity Map and Questions For Homework
Written reflection in Blog and Post to Moodle (Feeling On Display Lesson 4 Homework).  Remember MLA formatting.

1. What does the word “identity” mean to you?
Identity means how you think of yourself.
2. Were you surprised at how many different identities you have?
I didn’t know that we can have many identities as long as we wanted to, so I was surprised.
3. Imagine that people you know from the classroom (students or teachers) encountered you in the online space you identified. What do you think would be most surprising to them about how you perform identity and why? What if someone from the online space encountered you in the
I think they would think that I’m quiet even online, but it’s not like that always.
4. How might you change your behavior if you knew your teacher or classmates were watching?
I think I would be more careful about what I post and respectful to others online.
5. If you decided you wanted to change your identity in the classroom, would this be difficult?
Yes, it would be difficult because there is was way how others saw you for a while and it would be hard for them to think differently about who you are.

Choose 1 and write about it:
The New York Times blog post, “For Teenage Girls, Facebook Means Always Being Camera-Ready” (www.parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/07/for-teenage-girls-facebook-means-always-being-camera-ready). Students should recognize that this article was written from the perspective of a parent. Students should
explore, from a teen’s point of view, what they agree with and what they don’t.

What are selfies? Do you consider selfies to be art?  Why or why not?

Selfies are pictures of your self, but there are more meanings to it than that. These days, selfies are being considered as a work of art and a self portrait. It can’t be defined as good or bad directly, but it depends on what you do with your selfie(Berlatsky). I don’t consider selfies to be art because some people just post them to brag, think that they’re pretty or cool, express their feelings or just for fun. They are uploaded for trivial reasons, so it can’t be considered as art in my perspective.

Works Cited

Berlatsky, Noah. "The Atlantic." The Atlantic. The Atlantic Monthly Group, 22 Nov. 2013. Web. 03 Dec.               2013.

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