2013년 12월 13일 금요일

Mini Assesment

After we are done in Moodle Called Mini-Assessment Answer the following Questions:

Use MLA Standards and bring in examples from class and your real life and be as detailed as possible. We have gone over these in class.  

1. Name 3 contexts (at least one should be an online context) and describe what aspects of yourself are the same and what aspects of yourself are different across each context. (Possible contexts include: school, sports team, home, Facebook, World of Warcraft,GTA) Provide at least 4 examples using specific examples.)
My identity in school is quite different from myself because I think that I am talkative and active when I’, at home, but when I come to school, I become quiet and many of my classmates and teachers think that I’m not that active. Also I think my identity in Facebook is similar to myself because Facebook is a place where you express yourself and post what you really think on line. Lastly, I am different as a chef to myself because I find myself confident and excited when I cook than when I study something else.

2. What are some benefits to being different online? (Give at least 3 examples - use real life situations)
One benefit of being different online is that you can express yourself in any way.For example, some people make rumors based on things you post online and make fun of them. If no one know who you are there wouldn’t be people talking about the real you. Also some companies might judge you by things you post online. If you want to post how you feel, but is worried about how your boss or the person you’re being interviewed by would see you, being different online can help. Lastly, information that can be used against you can be prevented. Some personal information can be hacked by others, but being another person will help to prevent it.

3. When might being different online be a problem? Who might it be a problem for?  (Give at least 3 examples, scenarios, and things you may have encountered).
There are some problems  of being different online. I think it would be a problem for your friends. There is a real life experience that I heard which was about a girl who used a fake identity to make another friend talk on their back to make them apart. Also it can give harm to strangers. People who try to be honest can be disappointed if they realize that they’ve been tricked. Lastly, it would bring conflict between parents. Parents usually don’t like their children posting personal information so it wouldn’t be beneficial.

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