2013년 11월 28일 목요일

Luis Identity Questions

“Sample Identity Map: Luis” answer these questions.
  • What roles does Luis play (brother, son, student, mentor, citizen) and what are some of the activities and tools he uses in performing those roles?
Luis is a good son to his family, he  helps his mother prepare for dinner or helps her on  technology problems.,and he take his brother to his school and plays with him. He uses YouTube for his family members. As a student   he uses CNet and helps elementary school students in Lego Robots. He also made videos about his community.
  • What responsibilities does Luis have to each of these contexts?
He has responsibilities of being a good son and brother, helping students on after school programs, being responsible for his study in school, socializing with friends and being helpful in his community.
  • Are there moments when those responsibilities are in conflict? If so, what steps does he take to resolve those conflicts? (See, for example, the concerns raised by his family about the amount of time he spends in his after-school program).
To resolve the conflicts, he helps with his mother and tries to be a good brother, so that his mother doesn’t worry much about his time in the after school programs.
  • How does he structure his time so that he is able to meet each of those responsibilities?
He wakes up early and checks his mail , then drops his brother to school,  studies in school  and presents, goes to after school program, researches his community and helps his mother watch videos when he comes home.
  • What steps does he take to integrate aspects of his cultural identity across these various roles and contexts (for example, the film shows him producing videos that speak to aspects of his Mexican-American background)?

  • Luis speaks Spanish in some contexts and English in others. How does this shape his identity in each space?
With people that he knows well or his family, he speaks Spanish and with others he speaks English.
  • What aspects of his personality are most visible as we watch him interact in these different spaces (for example, being more serious or playful)?
I think that his playful personality is visible in spaces with his friends, after school programs and with his family members. He clowns around with his brother and checks his mail and socialize with his friends on Facebook.
  • Are there other things he changes about himself (for example, dressing differently for his public presentations than he dresses at home)?
He speaks with his mother and plays with his brother at home, but when he goes out to school ,helps children on their Lego Robots or when he presents to public, he seems more calm and professional.
  • Luis mentions how multitasking allows him to do multiple things at the same time. Does it also allow him to adopt multiple identities at the same time?
I think that it does allow him to adopt multiple identities at the same time because, he might be different to his friends online than how he acts at home watching YouTube with his brother or mother.

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

Feelings on display

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
27 November 2013
Feeling On Display Homework 1
Essential Question: Are girls and boys judged differently when they post photos online?
Homework  - Please post to your blog and then post to Moodle for full credit.
Please use MLA format and use  information from sources to back up your claims.  Include a Works Cited page.

A. Please  reflect in writing on one of the questions, using your  online blog (200-300 words)
  1. Are people aware of their online images? Do they try to make themeslves look certain ways? Why or why not?
I think that people are aware of their online image because the internet is a space where you can be someone you want to be and people just look at the way you are since they don’t face each other. Also, people judge each other  more online because they know that there is a “wall” to protect them so it makes us more aware of the pictures we post online.  Most people also try to make themselves look better and as if they had a lot of friends by taking pictures they think that it would make them look cool.  Girls take pictures of themselves like making a “duck-face” or make their bodies look good so that they would give a good image online.
  1. Do we have different expectations for how girls and guys should look or act online? If so, where do we learn these attitudes? If not, why not?
  2. How aware are you of how you comment on other people’s photos? Do you think this differs for guys and girls?

B. Analyze the marketing messages on ProfilePictures.com (www.profilepictures.net/profilepictures), and the extent to which certain messages are targeted more to women or men. Encourage students to reflect on the extent to which people “market” themselves on social network sites. Is marketing a brand or product different than marketing yourself to others? (One paragraph).
The ProfilePictures.com is basically about  paying money to make your  profile picture look good. There are ways to make your body, hair, skin and even your face to look better. I think that this is targeted to both men and women because not only women care about how they look on line, but men also do. There is sort of a stereotype that women are really careful about posting online pictures to seem better, but I think that men also want to look good too. I also think that the concept of marketing a brand or product isn’t much different than marketing yourself to others because when people market a brand, they appeal it to the buyers in a good way, so that would buy the product. We make our profile pictures look better, so that we others won’t judge us in a bad way.

C. Read this article:
What is the media's role in creating this problem of perception?  Who is responsible for creating the way men and treat one another according to the article? (Hint: Is it the media or is it something else?  Cite your source). How YOU propose we go about changing these perceptions about women and society in general?   (100-200 words).  

According to this article, it says Christopher J. Ferguson and other researchers say that it’s mainly the result of competition with their peers, not media images. “Sexual competition among females seems to increase due to circumstances that tend to be particularly common in affluent societies,” Dr. Ferguson said. (Tierney) Women compete with each other and makes other women who has better physical appearances to them, as their target. I think that people should try to change the perceptions about society and women. It will pressure them because they are expected to act in a way we made.

Works Cited
Tierney, John. "A Cold War Fought by Women." The New York Times. The New York Times Company,                      18 Nov. 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013.

2013년 11월 19일 화요일

Final Reflection

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen
19 November 2013

1. What are three ideas, concepts, or skills that you have learned or that Digital Citizen has made you think about so far? Please provide specific examples.
              I saw  a video in Digital Citizen about this fortune teller that met random people but knew every information about them. At first it looked real and was actually amazed, but it turned out that the fortune teller only did some research from the internet. I learned that I need to be more be careful on line. I also learned about MLA format. I didn't know that every sources need to be sited and give credit to the person who owns it. Note taking skills are also what I learned. Using cornell notes were useful for summarizing and organizing information.
2. Please select at least 3 items that you completed and that you would like to discuss for the teacher/parent conference.  Describe why you chose each item and what you specifically learned about yourself and why this item/piece/video etc made you proud. You might want to go back to Moodle and choose some written work or videos or some reflections in your blog. Make sure to provide the exemplar (if possible) in your blog to show.
1. Presentation.
I wasn't really the kind of person who speaks out in front of class, but because of the presentations, I got to communicate with other students and share ideas. I also think that I got more courage to express my thoughts. 
2. Evaluating reliable sources
Sometimes I didn't know what kind of information on the internet was credible and just used all the information. This skill helped me to use good information for not only Digital Citizen, but it can be applied to any class assignments.
3. Safely using the internet
I chose this because we use the internet often and we need to know how to use it safely. I got to look back at myself by searching for pictures I posted that would be used against me. 
3. What did you choose to present for your final presentation? Why? What did you learn about your company and idea? How does it relate to making the world better?
I chose the company NIKE for my final presentation. I thought that NIKE would give benefits to ISD because, there are many athletic students here and the sports equipment were old. I learned that NIKE has various products that are ergonomically made. Also, they make shoes from manufacturing waste. This would make the world better because, NIKE is phasing out dangerous chemicals from its products and if this is known to the world, by ISD partnering with NIKE, other companies would be aware of this fact, and would also try to take out dangerous chemicals.
4. What did you present about and what did you you learn about presentation skills? Cite examples from your own presentation.
I presented about NIKE. I learned about in-text citation. If it's a single sentence, the citation is in the period and if it's more than two, it should be outside the period. Also, the presentation slides need to be kept simple and clean, but deliver your core message at the same time. 
5. What did you learn about research? How did you know what information to trust?  What did you learn about MLA formatting?
To find reliable information, you need to find the publisher, copyright sign, and a recent date that had last edits made. Sources needs to be cited in the Works Cited page. 
6. What is your grade? What are your goals for this next semester? What do you want to focus on to become better? Why is this goal important to you?
97%, The goals for this semester is doing homework on time and doing my best on my assignments. I also want to focus on presentation skills. These goals are important because presentation skills would help in the future to tell my thoughts in an efficient way.

2013년 11월 18일 월요일

Final Research Presentation

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
19 November 2013

1. What did you learn about yourself?
During the presentation, I realized that I was nervous, and I sometimes didn't speak confidently because I wasn't sure of myself. It would be better to be more prepared, so that I know what I;m doing.
2. What did you learn about presenting?
I learned that I need to have confidence during  my presentation and my voice needs to be loud and clear. Also, the presentation slides need to be kept simple with visuals to catch the audience's eyes.
3. What did you learn about research and MLA?
I learned that I need to site all the sources in MLA format to give credit to the person who owns it. Also, the research needs to come from a credible site.

2013년 11월 8일 금요일

Lesson 8 Presentations

SUCCESS - What does this mean?  Click below and then answer the following questions:

1. What is your core message?
ISD should partner with Nike
2. What is unexpected about your presentation?
Most of the people doesn't know that there are various product and they are trying to over come forced labor.
3. Are you using clear language?  (Avoid using stuff, etc, or "things like that", or Ummmm.) Do you use clear language?
4. What evidence will you show to make it credible (believable)?  Will you start off with a statistic?  Will you have a quote?  Will you show a statement from an authoritative figure?  (You should have at least 5 sources in your Works Cited and everything you put in your works cited should be said during your presentation.)  List them here.

Jones, Kevin. "Nike attempts to distance itself from child-labor history". dailyuw.com. The Daily of the                       University of Washington. 3 April 2002. Web. 2 November 2013

"Nike to Pay Indonesian Workers $1 Million". voannews.com. voannews.com. 11 January 2012 Web. 2 
         November 2013

"Nike Value Chain" www.nikeresponsibility.com. NIKE, Inc. Web. 2 November 2013

"Protective Equipment". kicksport.com. kicksport.com. 15 July 2006. Web. 2 November 2013

Jones, Kevin. "Nike attempts to distance itself from child-labor history". dailyuw.com. The Daily of the                        University of Washington. 3 April 2002. Web. 2 November 2013

5. Emotional appeal?  What is in your story or presentation that will move your audience to want to know more or act on what you are saying?
There are some parts in the presentation about how Nike will effect ISD and how it will give benefits to us. I think since the audience are ISD students, they would try to relate to them more.

6. Story - Is your story interesting and motivating?  If it isn't now is the time to fix it.

Please read this site and it will help you with the above questions:  http://www.presentationzen.com/presentationzen/2010/04/index.html
and pick out at least two (2) items that may enhance your own presentation.  List two specific items that you learned and how you can enhance your own overall presentation.  This can include your story, your slides, your delivery, tone. You don't have to watch everything but there should be some items that you will find interesting and engaging. 

1. After watching 'the Girl Effect' I thought that I can enhance my presentation by making my slides simple, but with visual effects that can catch the audience's eyes.
2. The PSA: Don't drink yourself fat contained unexpected visualization and I thought that my presentation should make people curious about the topic. Also I learned that it would be better if my story was more straightforward and the message was delivered well.

2013년 11월 2일 토요일

Lesson 6 In-Text Citation and Story Script

How will I use In-text citation in my story?
-Cite all sentences
-Include the first piece of information from the works cited entry for the in text citation
-Include the citation after the last sentence that presents that information
-Include the information either in the sentence or in the parentheses
-If a specific page number is relevant, include it in the parentheses

What is the difference between citing a sentence or two?

-In single-sentence references, include the parenthetical reference within the punctuation mark.
ex) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDCP) reports that :cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death" in the United States and that it kills over four hundred thousand people per year ("Smoking & Tobacco Use: Fast Facts").

-In multi-sentence references, include the parenthetical references outside the punctuation mark.
ex) Since they began to appear in 1992, smokefree laws in workplaces, restaurants, and bars have increased to over four hundred. As of July 2010, twenty-three states have passed these laws, and many other municipalities outside those states have followed suit. Now, these laws protect the last majority of Americans. ("Smokefree Lists, Maps and Data")

Story Script

During P.E., when we go into the P.E. room, what do you notice first? I'm guessing many of you would be imagining the various sports equipment. There are certain times when we exercised with the equipment and I realized that they were old and thought it could be replaced with brand new ones. The company I thought of was Nike. I would like to share my research about how it would benefit ISD if they hold hands.
First, Nike provides safe products. Nearly 85 percent of the footwear manufacturing waste is now diverted from landfill or incineration through recycling and other efforts("Nike Value Chain"). There was a way to solve this problem. The manager of Nike said "Nike is phasing out dangerous chemicals in its products and non-water-based adhesives from its shoes"(Jones). Also they have high quality. Their ergonomically designed TKD protective equipment means they have studied they way in which you move and ‘sculpted’ each piece of equipment to make sure they fit perfectly and work in sync with your body movements. Each piece is comfortable and practical whilst keeping you safe("Protective Equipment)
Now you would be thinking that even though they have good quality, why would Nike benefit ISD if they give a bad image about illegal labor they were accused of? There is a solution to this problem. A factory in Indonesia that makes sneakers for Nike has agreed to pay about $1 million in overtime to 4,500 workers, under a settlement between a workers' union and factory management. Nike released a statement saying it “commends the factory on their action plan and efforts to correct inadequacies in current policies designed to protect the rights of workers.("Nike to Pay Indonesian Workers $1 Million") Also, there was a report that explained Nike's solutions to the problem and also provides a chart listing the ages and wages of its workers(Jones). Nike thinks that it was their biggest mistake about forced labor and are trying out various solutions to prevent it from happening again.
Nike’s sports equipment provide advanced quality and has solutions for forced labor, so it would give benefits to ISD.

Works Cited

Jones, Kevin. "Nike attempts to distance itself from child-labor history". dailyuw.com. The Daily of the                  University of Washington. 3 April 2002. Web. 2 November 2013

"Nike to Pay Indonesian Workers $1 Million". voannews.com. voannews.com. 11 January 2012 Web. 2               November 2013

"Nike Value Chain" www.nikeresponsibility.com. NIKE, Inc. Web. 2 November 2013

"Protective Equipment". kicksport.com. kicksport.com. 15 July 2006. Web. 2 November 2013