2014년 5월 30일 금요일

Hate Speech Entry

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
30 May 2014
Hate Speech Experience

             I myself had experienced an incident where I was the target of a hate speech. It wasn't directly towards me, but it was about my race. A person on the internet took pictures of himself wearing abercrombie clothes and making his eyes smaller on purpose with his middle finger. It was to degrade Asians about their physical appearance and also their behavior. I remember feeling offended and disappointed by how others saw Asians.

2014년 5월 19일 월요일

Private Today, Public Tomorrow Lessons Learned

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
19 May 2014
 Private Today, Public Tomorrow Lessons Learned
1. How can people’s reputations be affected by what is posted about them online?
For example, if someone had a positive and friendly image , but a picture of that person smoking or drinking was posted, many people would not only be shocked, but it would also affect the reputation.
2. What impact could this have on their future?
When a person is trying to apply for a college he or she wants to attend, their college admissions can be rejected if negative posts are found about them online.
3. What should you ask yourself before you post a photo, video, or other information about another person online?
1. Would I post this if my parents can see them?
2. Will it affect someone's reputation?
3. Will it concern other people?
4. Will it affect them in the future?

4.How can you take responsibility for protecting the privacy and reputation of others?
I can delete the pictures someone doesn't like immediately and should be able to ask myself if the isn't inappropriate.

2014년 5월 13일 화요일

celebrity caption/ interview




Can you remember a time when something happened that made you embarrassed or angry because it affected your reputation? What happened?
-I remeber when I was angry, when I posted a picture with my friends online. Some boys in my class made fun of one of my friend in the picture about her physical features.
How did you respond? What did you do to try to protect or restore your reputation? Have students write up their interviews and share highlights with the class.
-I deleted the photo and secretly told the boys not to do it again.

Interview with parents

Have you ever had a time when you were angry or embarrassed online?
-In fact I have. I saw a magazine page about a celebrity, but there were some harsh comments about her. Especially about her physical features. It wasn't a good experience.

How did you respond to it?
-I couldn't actually comment directly to the harsh comments, but I tried to report to the cyber police.

2014년 5월 6일 화요일

Generation Like Summary

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
7 May 2014

 Almost every teenagers are interacting directly with culture, music, movies and even more around the world. In a video titled "Generation Like", Douglas Rushkoff, an american media theorist, writer, columnist, lecturer, graphic novelist, and documentarian talks about the social media and how the affect it gives to teens. Many parents were worried about their children becoming a part of the social media. However, it is not only the media that controls the teenagers, but also the companies and people need to be aware of what the companies do. There was another documentary about a similar topic in 2001, but compared to the students back then, the students now were far more sophisticated. A group of students were talking about the 'likes' they get on Facebook. They said that the more like you have the better you feel. The teenagers think that in has this 'empowerment' towards them. From the things people 'like' on Facebook, a lot of companies get benefits. They get to communicate with consumers more and they take them as money as the value goes up from the number of clicks they get. They also sponsor people that are famous on the internet to make money.
The three thing that I found interesting in this video was the attitude towards 'likes'. I was not a type of person who thought a lot about how many 'likes' I get on Facebook, until a few years ago when others began to be really sensitive about it. Second, that companies track your every move on the internet and supports you with the information you need, for example on Facebook when you like a brand, it gives you advertisements about it. Lastly, how the teenagers' reaction towards online figures were different from the past, for example like web celebrities.

2014년 5월 5일 월요일

Effective Note Taking 3 Lessons Learned

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
5 May 2014

What is a more effective way of taking notes - laptop or notepad?

       In schools, there are students who use laptop computers to take their notes and those who take them by writing. However, there wasn't a research that compared these two methods, until a  new study published in Psychological Science has attempted to answer this question.
       The three things that I found that was interesting in this research was: First, the achievement of the students differed from the type of question they solved. The students that took notes longhand and with laptops showed the same results with factual recall questions, but in conceptual question, the longhand students were far more superior. Second, the students that wrote their notes longhand wrote fewer words and less verbatim transcriptions, but they scored better. Lastly, the researchers informed the students not to type verbatim notes, with the hope that this would negate the negative effect of using the laptops; but this verbal reminder proved to have no effect whatsoever on the students' performance. Also, the researchers gave the laptop students ten minutes to revise, but the results didn't change.(Neurobonkers)

Works Cited
Neurobonkers. "What Is a More Effective Way of Taking Notes - Laptop or Notepad? | Neurobonkers |                 Big Think." Big Think. Floating University, 26 Apr. 2014. Web. 05 May 2014.

2014년 4월 17일 목요일

Prominent Ed-Tech Players' Data-Privacy Policies Attract Scrutiny

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
17 April 2014

Prominent Ed-Tech Players' Data-Privacy Policies Attract Scrutiny

   As media is developing more these days, privacy and personal information is being an issue. This might seem like a trivial problem if you are a kind of person that manages your personal information pretty well. However, the information that is being released is actually things that you didn’t even know about. Your every move, what you do on the internet and even your sexual and medical problems are being sold to companies you never heard of. Students should also be aware of online activities. Khan Academy, which provides open instructional resources to 10 million unique users per month, came under the sharpest criticism. Ms. Barnes, for example, said the Mountain View, Calif.-based nonprofit's privacy policy allows for "almost limitless" sharing of student information with third parties.(Herold)Recently, another site named Edmodo, a Social learning platform, collects, uses, and shares the "metadata" generated by students as they use the platform, which can include server-log data, users' Internet Protocol addresses, clickstream data, and more. On the other hand, Mr. Fine, Edmodo's chief privacy officer, claimed that users' metadata is only combined with their personal information for internal Edmodo use, and that the company would only share with third parties aggregate metadata that it does not consider to be personally identifiable.(Herold)

 Works Cited

Herold, Benjamin. "Prominent Ed-Tech Players' Data-Privacy Policies Attract Scrutiny." Www.edweek.org.                Editorial Projects in Education, 16 Apr. 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.

2014년 3월 19일 수요일

Cyberbullying and Empathy

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
19 March 2014

the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

1. In class we have discussed the definition of EMPATHY. Why is it important to understand someone else’s perspective?
-To get efficient solutions that are favorable with everyone and if we understand someone else's perspective, there wouldn't be misunderstandings.

2. According this article here empathy among college students is lower. Can you cite reasons the article provides as to what might be some reasons empathy is lower using your research skills of MLA format and in-text citation. You should include a Works Cited page.
Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
19 March 2014

Less Empathy Among College Students

According to an article from the University of Michigan, it claims that college students don't have much empathy as much as they used to. Compared to college students of the late 1970s, the study found, college students today are less likely to agree with statements such as "I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective" and "I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me."(Swanbrow) One reason  suggested is because of social media. The recent rise of social media may also play a role in the drop in empathy, suggests O'Brien. "The ease of having 'friends' online might make people more likely to just tune out when they don't feel like responding to others' problems, a behavior that could carry over offline," he said.(Swanbrow)
Works Cited
Swanbrow, Diane. "University of Michigan News Service | Empathy: College Students Don't Have as Much               as They Used to." University of Michigan News Service | Empathy: College Students Don't                    Have as Much as They Used to. University of Michigan Regents, 27 May 2010. Web. 19 Mar.                 2014
Next, provide reasons why you agree or disagree with this article.
I agree with this article because I personally feel that media is causing the decrease of empathy. Everywhere we go, there are people looking inside their computers and phones. Some people even text to each other when they are in the same place or just sit in front of each other and do their own social networking. This wouldn't make people communicate, which would lead to the lack of empathy.

3. Does this test reflect your level of empathy? Why or Why not?
This reflected my level of empathy because at the end of the survey, there was a question where it asked if I have a license that allows my organs to be donated later when I die. I had no idea that someone can feel such severe empathy towards someone that they donate their organs.

4. Do you show empathy at home? If the answer is yes please provide examples and how this provides perspective. If the answer is NO then provide some strategies that you can use to be more empathetic at home.
-Yes, I show empathy at home by talking with my family about by current issues I have in mind and also giving advice to one another.

5. Do you show empathy in your digital citizen class as well as other classes? If the answer is yes please provide examples and how empathy provides perspective. If the answer is NO then provide some strategies that you can use to be more empathetic in Digital Citizen and your other classes.
-Yes I do. I show empathy by discussing my problems in school with teachers and also the things we covered in class. It provides perspectives because you get to share ideas about how others feel.

6. Do you show empathy outside of classes and outside of home? If the answer is yes please provide examples and how empathy provides perspective. If the answer is NO then provide some strategies that you can use to be more empathetic outside of classes and outside of home.
-Yes I show empathy by listening and trying to give good advise to my friends that ask for help. Also in online medias where I write comments to make friends feel better. Empathy provides perspective because if you try to relate to how others feel, it will actually make you think that you are experiencing it together. 
7.Do you believe empathy is important?  Why or Why not?
-Yes, I think that empathy is important because if everyone only thinks about themselves and how they would be affected, the world would be really selfish and people who really need help wouldn't be able to receive it. 
8. How does Empathy relate to online cruelty/Cyberbullying? How does it relate to life?
-Empathy relates to cyberbullying because people who lack empathy wouldn't feel bad about saying cruel things about others. Also people with empathy can become upstanders for the victims. This also can relate to life because empathy can be a crucial role in social life. People need to understand how others feel and look at different perspective to be helpful.