2014년 3월 19일 수요일

Cyberbullying and Empathy

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
19 March 2014

the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

1. In class we have discussed the definition of EMPATHY. Why is it important to understand someone else’s perspective?
-To get efficient solutions that are favorable with everyone and if we understand someone else's perspective, there wouldn't be misunderstandings.

2. According this article here empathy among college students is lower. Can you cite reasons the article provides as to what might be some reasons empathy is lower using your research skills of MLA format and in-text citation. You should include a Works Cited page.
Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
19 March 2014

Less Empathy Among College Students

According to an article from the University of Michigan, it claims that college students don't have much empathy as much as they used to. Compared to college students of the late 1970s, the study found, college students today are less likely to agree with statements such as "I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective" and "I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me."(Swanbrow) One reason  suggested is because of social media. The recent rise of social media may also play a role in the drop in empathy, suggests O'Brien. "The ease of having 'friends' online might make people more likely to just tune out when they don't feel like responding to others' problems, a behavior that could carry over offline," he said.(Swanbrow)
Works Cited
Swanbrow, Diane. "University of Michigan News Service | Empathy: College Students Don't Have as Much               as They Used to." University of Michigan News Service | Empathy: College Students Don't                    Have as Much as They Used to. University of Michigan Regents, 27 May 2010. Web. 19 Mar.                 2014
Next, provide reasons why you agree or disagree with this article.
I agree with this article because I personally feel that media is causing the decrease of empathy. Everywhere we go, there are people looking inside their computers and phones. Some people even text to each other when they are in the same place or just sit in front of each other and do their own social networking. This wouldn't make people communicate, which would lead to the lack of empathy.

3. Does this test reflect your level of empathy? Why or Why not?
This reflected my level of empathy because at the end of the survey, there was a question where it asked if I have a license that allows my organs to be donated later when I die. I had no idea that someone can feel such severe empathy towards someone that they donate their organs.

4. Do you show empathy at home? If the answer is yes please provide examples and how this provides perspective. If the answer is NO then provide some strategies that you can use to be more empathetic at home.
-Yes, I show empathy at home by talking with my family about by current issues I have in mind and also giving advice to one another.

5. Do you show empathy in your digital citizen class as well as other classes? If the answer is yes please provide examples and how empathy provides perspective. If the answer is NO then provide some strategies that you can use to be more empathetic in Digital Citizen and your other classes.
-Yes I do. I show empathy by discussing my problems in school with teachers and also the things we covered in class. It provides perspectives because you get to share ideas about how others feel.

6. Do you show empathy outside of classes and outside of home? If the answer is yes please provide examples and how empathy provides perspective. If the answer is NO then provide some strategies that you can use to be more empathetic outside of classes and outside of home.
-Yes I show empathy by listening and trying to give good advise to my friends that ask for help. Also in online medias where I write comments to make friends feel better. Empathy provides perspective because if you try to relate to how others feel, it will actually make you think that you are experiencing it together. 
7.Do you believe empathy is important?  Why or Why not?
-Yes, I think that empathy is important because if everyone only thinks about themselves and how they would be affected, the world would be really selfish and people who really need help wouldn't be able to receive it. 
8. How does Empathy relate to online cruelty/Cyberbullying? How does it relate to life?
-Empathy relates to cyberbullying because people who lack empathy wouldn't feel bad about saying cruel things about others. Also people with empathy can become upstanders for the victims. This also can relate to life because empathy can be a crucial role in social life. People need to understand how others feel and look at different perspective to be helpful.

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