2013년 9월 13일 금요일

Case study 2 (Tommy)

A boy named Tommy wrote some private stuff in his blog, like a journal. He thought that it was going to be secret because he didn't use his real name. However, he found out that his parents have been looking through his blog because, his parents asked him things that he kept private and it was only written in his on line journal. Tommy didn't expect them to look into his blog because he wasn't his real self, but it was later found out that his friend told his parents; who talked to Tommy's parents.

1. What would you say, if anything, to your parents if you were Tommy?(Guide students to consider the various consequences of making information pubic. Specifically, students should know that such information can be searched; copied and passed on; seen by a large, invisible audience, and can be persistent or even permanent.)
-If I was Tommy, actually, I wouldn't have anything to say to his parents. The reason is, since Tommy posted his personal problems on the Internet, but didn't discuss it with his parents, I would feel sorry for keeping everything secret. Also, Tommy used a fake name; which isn't the right thing to do. In this case, Tommy didn't do anything right, so I would have nothing to say.

2. How is Tommy's parents' reading his blog similar to or different from reading a diary that he's written in a notebook or paper journal?
-I think that reading from the Internet doesn't really deal with serious privacy, because the Internet is meant for information to be shared and Tommy would've expected at least someone to see his blog. However, if his parents' read from a paper journal, the content was suppose to be kept for himself so it seem like an invasion of privacy.

3. Do you think it's fair for Tommy's parent to read the things he posted on the Internet, given that his blog is technically public? Why or why not?
-Reading Tommy's blog wasn't really fair, but I don't see the reason to not. The things posted on the blog was public and everyone that came to his blog can read them, but why not his parents? Also, parents have the right to make sure that their children are on the right track.

4. Why might Tommy's parents want to read his blog? Given these reasons, how would you react if your parents asked to read your email or text messages?
-Tommy's parents would want to read his blog, because they would be curious about how Tommy is on social life and want to make sure that he isn't disrespectful on the Internet. Given these reasons, I would show my parents my email and text messages if it's really necessary.

5. Have you ever been in a situation where your parents or someone else has asked to read something that you felt was private? If so, how did you feel? What did you do?
-My friend borrowed a classmate's phone and there was a diary section in it. My friend went into it and there were contents about who she liked. I felt guilty of looking at something private, so I just gave the phone back quickly.

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