2014년 2월 25일 화요일

Google will know you better?

Amy Jung
Coach Zane
Digital Citizen B5
25 February 2014

Google will 'know you better than your intimate partner'

    Technology is developing faster and faster, but is this a good thing? Many people might think that the
development of computer, phones and even robots can bring benefits to the world because it can help us do 

things that humans are limited to. However, in my point of view, I believe that if technology rapidly thrives, it 

does not only cause problems, but it can also become a little "freaky". According to an article, in 15 years’ 

time, computers will surpass their creators in intelligence, with an ability to tell stories and crack jokes, predicts 

a leading expert in artificial intelligence. Thus, Google will “know the answer to your question before you ask 

it.”(Google) This means that even before we think, or say something, robots would read our minds and answer 

them right away. This concept might seem futuristic and amazing, but on the other side, it is frightening to 

know that robots are going to dominate the world. Google also purchased a number of robotic firms and are 

developing military robots. Soon 'Robocops' would patrol our streets(Google). Many professionals in this 

field say that these ideas are not exaggerated. Peter Norvig, Google's research director, commented 

recently that the internet giant employs "less than 50 percent but certainly more than 5 percent" of the 

world's top experts on machine learning(Google). Google will know you better than you partner in just a few 


Works Cited

"Google Will 'know You Better than Your Intimate Partner' - RT News." Google Will 'know You Better                     than Your Intimate Partner' - RT News. Autonomous Nonprofit Organization, 23 Feb. 2014.                     Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

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